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In spite of the changes happening in the digital landscape, SEO is still one of the most effective ways to drive traffic and create leads for new and existing brands alike. So what is driving people to stay the course when the landscape is changing so drastically?

How Effective is SEO Today?

What was the last thing you looked up on Google? A restaurant, a plumber, that trivia question that caused you to spend the next 1/2 hour researching ways Johnny Depp gets into character.

Three Strategies for Businesses –

How to Grow Your Reach and Traffic –

SEO Takes Time 

SEO takes between 3 and 9 months with an average of 6 months to start to show an impact on your business.  That’s a lot of time.  The benefit is that SEO gets better and better over time, so the longer you keep at it, the better the results you’ll get.  Arguably, business generated from SEO is between 1/2 and 1/3 as expensive as Advertising business.  Not that you should cancel your advertising budget, just that these leads will be less expensive in the long haul.

The Time Is Now 

The longer you delay, the longer you delay the start of your SEO initial 

Search Engines Are Becoming More Individualized

SEO is still a prime focus in the digital landscape with the potential for a big return right now. SEO is not going away. Search engines are becoming more individualized. This makes SEO more difficult, and even more important.